With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying by Debra H. Goldstein

I write long and short – novels and short stories. Most writers prefer one to the other because they require different skills, but I really enjoy the challenge of both. One problem with writing short stories that appear in periodicals and anthologies is that people may read or hear about one story, but they often can’t find it after a few months have passed. I can’t tell you how many times people have asked to read some of my award-winning stories from magazines of yesteryear (okay, maybe a year or two ago) that are now archived. Now, there is a solution for at least eighteen of my early stories – many of which won awards or were finalists for Agatha, Anthony, or Derringers.

Introducing – With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying: Tales of Sinning and Redemption.

The stories in With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying range from cozy to hard-boiled. The protagonists include children, private eyes, amateur sleuths, undercover cops, accountants, and a housewife with a potentially deadly cooking style. In other words, there is something for everyone in With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying. 

Because of the chaos of the past few months with my husband’s unexpected death, I didn’t set up a formal book launch or do most of the four months in advance things one does for reviews or to bring the book to the attention of readers. Consequently, this is a book that needs people to learn about it over the long run. If you get a chance to read it – whether you buy it or simply ask your library to get a copy of it – and you like it, please feel free to leave a review on Goodreads, or any other platform or tell people about it. Thanks in advance.

With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying is available from White City Press (https://whitecitypress.com/product/fire/MM/8) or wherever you find quality e-books and paperbacks. Presently, it is discounted on the publisher’s website and shipping is free (but you need to mark that box). 

White City Press: https://whitecitypress.com/author/debrahgoldstein/MM/8


Barnes & Noble:

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