TBR and Chocolates

TBR and Chocolates by Debra H. Goldstein

In the Forrest Gump movie, Forrest explains that his mother often compared life to a box of chocolates because you never know what you were going to get. As the days pass, I not only agree with her, but being honest, I find myself eating through that box of chocolates — and loving every single bite.

My favorite pieces are covered in dark chocolate, but I am an equal opportunity eater, once the dark chocolates are gone, I’m ready for the milk chocolates. I’m not very fond of caramel or those flavored ones that all have the same texture but seem to have been shot with a flavor. But, when push comes to shove, I’ll eat those, too.

When it comes to books, especially those on my TBR pile, my reading tastes are like life and the box of chocolates. There are numerous books by certain authors that sit there waiting to be read and other books that go to the top of my list as would any piece of dark chocolate. Some are literary, some biography, some mystery. All are meant to entertain and sustain me.

And they do.

I only wish I had the time to sit and binge read because I know how satisfied I would be. What about you? Do you read only certain books or is your TBR shelf like a box of chocolates?

1 thought on “TBR and Chocolates”

  1. I am like you….I have a pile of about 90 books…some have been on the bottom for 2 years!!! I want to read them..but they don’t grab me..just yet….I will read them, someday…..

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