Books by Debra H. Goldstein
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It’s Not Always a Mystery…
…to know what Debra and her friends are thinking about. Read Debra’s Blog.
Tax Day, Crime Fiction, and Who We Owe by Jack Sharman
By Debra Goldstein | | Blogpost
April 15 is Tax Day, a day that reminds us, as citizens and as writers, that we owe. Owing something or being in debt to someone-financially, spiritually, practically-seems endemic to the human condition. In this matter, our faith or lack thereof does not seem to matter. As Bob Dylan noted on Slow Train Coming (1979), […]
Jumping Ship, But Not Overboard by Elizabeth Crowens
By Debra Goldstein | | Blogpost, Women Writers
Stephen King has done it. J.K. Rowling has done it with a pen name. What am I talking about? When an author writes in more than one genre. I don’t consider The Shawshank Redemption or The Green Mile as horror, and yet, they are probably my two favorite stories by King. Not quite Carrie, Christine, […]
The Perfect Watson: Finding a Memorable Sidekick by C.B. Wilson
By Debra Goldstein | | Blogpost, Women Writers
Sidekicks can make or break a story. In a great mystery, the main character’s “helper” is as important as the plot itself. I mean, how else will the heroine find the killer without another viewpoint? This assistant needs to be loyal, supportive under duress, offer inspiration, have unique skills, and never, ever outshine the protagonist, […]