Books by Debra H. Goldstein
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It’s Not Always a Mystery…
…to know what Debra and her friends are thinking about. Read Debra’s Blog.
The Writer as a Mollusk by Molly MacRae
By Debra Goldstein | | Blogpost, Women Writers
My last guest post for Debra’s blog was about being a vagabond writer-one who likes the adventure of taking her characters from town to town or starting over with new stories in new locations. I’ve set stories in towns from the east coast to the west and especially in one place between the two-northeast Tennessee. […]
Investing in a Character by James M. Jackson
By Debra Goldstein | | Blogpost
I recently read a highly rated thriller. It was a page-turner, with action, and cliff-hangers, and more action. Good guys versus bad guys. The bad guys got badder and badder; the hero overcame his biggest fears and vanquished them. Great story, no plot holes, all story questions resolved. Well done, really. And yet, I remember […]
The Delights of Becoming a Musical Mystery Series by Erica Miner
By Debra Goldstein | | Blogpost, Women Writers
In my 21 years as a violinist with the Metropolitan Opera in New York, I discovered a number of things. First, opera can kill you. An opera theatre is the perfect environment for mischief, mayhem, and murder. In opera, what happens away from the stage can be more dramatic than what happens on the stage. […]